i would not have a had a chance to see the seeds I planted bloom
i would not have held your hand tight and whispered in your ear i love you
i would not have said goodbye to the kids
i would not have take my mum to New York and you to alaska
i would have died fat
i would not have gotten sophie to come when i called
i would have not told karen to be less aggressive, less controlling, less noise
i would not have told cynthia to let the plants grow and trust in my opinion
I would have not told you how( just thinking about you now makes me mad)
I would not have given enough back
i would not have written a perfect piece
I would not have had your family over for dinner
I would have not set gina free
I would not have had enough time to tell you how good you have been to me my love and
my friend, i would have not had a chance to tell you to be good to sophie
I would not have had a chance to see my brother recover
and my sister become the person she has dreamt of being.....i would not have had a chance to tell her that she lovely the way she is
i would have not had a chance to sing you one last silly song and make you chicken nachos.