I wish I got this email before. I would've written something.
I'm glad you liked Breathless. My favorite scene is when the woman calls the police on him and refuses to run.
I like all the ambiguity of the ending - how the gun is thrown into his hands, how he runs while shot, how he falls and blows out that last plume of smoke - and how he says one thing to the woman but they hear something completely different - and i like how she looks into the camera and does that Bogart thing with her lips -
I thought there was a sweetness and a comedy to their relationship that reminded me of you
the style of the movie reminded me of you -
i will definitely check out that film you recommended me - about rodin's muse -
it's funny nadia, because i was thinking that you are my muse -
you've already infiltrated this long story i'm working on
and i want to thank you for that
anyway, i know you won't get this til you get back - but i wrote anyway
1 comment:
although I posted this- I have to admit that it no longer feels like it belongs to me- more like a page in some book of someone else's life-
but appreciate how pure and innocent it once was, it once felt.
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